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MTB -Tour durch das Kleinwalsertal

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reservation form and riding information form

Book your Holiday

Please fill out this form for every rider individually. This form serves not merely as confirmation. Above all, your information is passed on to the riding farm on site in order to guarantee the optimal choice of your horse already before your arrival and to inform the riding farm about your riding knowledge.
If you book your flights by yourself, please check arrival and departure times with us before you book.
Necessary insurances: international health insurance We urgently recommend the following insurances: travel cancellation and curtailment insurance
Emergency Contact Details
Because you will meet among other things animals in free wilderness, it is imperative for your own security and those of the riding group that you are comfortable and confident, having full control in the three basic paces step, trot and gallop. Upon arrival on the riding farm at your destination all riders must fill out and sign a risk assignment form. The schedule is a prospective schedule and subject to changes, errors and emissions excepted. The riding farm in the target country has the right to exclude riders with bad riding qualities from a booked horse safari. Please guarantee sufficient protection of an international health insurance, it is imperative for each of our horse safaris to state the details of your insurance company and insurance number. Make sure you have a valid passport. Please note that you will be liable to pay all charges on bank transfers from abroad yourself. Please observe our Terms and Conditions (attached ), to which you agree by signing the travel contract.
This travel registration becomes obliging by pressing the button. I have taken note of the travel terms and payment terms of the tour operator or agency.
I declare that I accept full responsibility towards the tour operator or agency for the obligations of the travel participants registered by me as for my own.
I agree that GmbH may use my specified contact details for the purpose of customer service (e.g. invitations to events, information on products and services, sending customer magazines). For this use, it may be necessary, among other things, that your personal data is transmitted to individual contractual partners (e.g. sales headquarters, marketing service providers) of the tour operator. I can revoke this consent at any time and without giving reasons at the contact address of the tour operator or by email to I agree that GmbH may inform me for the above-mentioned purposes using the following media.
Click here for the general travel conditions
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