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MTB -Tour durch das Kleinwalsertal

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A paradise for nature lovers.

Ireland is a nature lover's paradise and perfect for a horseback riding trip. The west offers a unique variety of sandstone, karst rocks, moors, lakes and forests. Countless flowers, bushes and trees bloom here. The influence of the warm and mild Gulf Stream with the even winter/summer temperature differences promotes the growth of many well-known and exotic plants. No wonder the farmers greet each new day with a "Nice day today, thank God!"

The many rivers and lakes are an Eldorado for sports and leisure anglers. Pike can often be seen enjoying the summer sun in the shallow water. Salmon and trout, who love the clear rivers, challenge the anglers.

The peat and moorland is Ireland's great natural resource, not only for energy but also as a last natural refuge. But be careful when entering as it can be dangerous! However, if you stay on the old peat paths, you are safe. In some places you can still see the Celtic "tougher" (wooden paths) running through the peat.

The Burren, 'a rocky place', is a unique limestone landscape of its own beauty. Because of the clear light, the Gulf Stream and the warm limestone; both arctic and Mediterranean plants thrive in the same location. This area has been used as pasture land for thousands of years. The numerous stone monuments, castles, churches and tower houses testify to the importance of the natural treasure for settlers in the past. It is a typically indirect experience to ride along the endless stone walls and "hunger streets''.

Ireland's checkered history is evidenced by a large number of Stone-Age tombs and cairns; Celtic ramparts and burial sites - all with their own local stories and legends. Celtic culture and language have shaped global history for millennia, which can be seen to this day.

One feels transported back in time as one rides past the ruins of farmhouses that tell the difficult life of times past.

A horseback riding tour in Ireland lets you immerse yourself in this special landscape and become a part of it. Whether as an individual, or through horseback riding friends or family - everyone gets their money's worth on horseback riding holidays in Ireland!

Beim An Sibin Sternritt wird bei uns und unseren Pferden auf dem Hof gewohnt und die nähere Umgebung auf dem Pferderücken kennengelernt. Hier im Herzen der irischen Natur finden Anfänger und erfahrene Reiter ihre idealen Reiterferien.


Wir erkunden den Westen Irlands vom Pferderücken aus - von Galway bis in die einmalige Burren Karstlandschaft und weiter an den Atlantik.

Dieser Ritt ist eine interessante Mischung aus Reiten, Natur und Kultur. Erkunden Sie mit uns bedeutende Schlösser Irlands.

Wer seinem Urlaub das gewisse Extra verleihen möchte, ist hier genau richtig. Ihr bekommt auf Flowerhill die Gelegenheit von einem erfolgreichen Cross Country Meister Unterricht zu bekommen. Dabei könnt ihr in Mitten der malerischen Landschaft Irlands über Wiesen galoppieren, über Hindernisse springen oder gemeinsam mit den Hunden an einer Jagd teilnehmen.

Ein Ritt für erfahrene Reiter, die den nördlichen Teil des Wild Atlantic Ways zu Pferd entdecken wollen.

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