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MTB -Tour durch das Kleinwalsertal

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A land of hidden treasures - come and experience it on a great horse.

Riding holidays in Montenegro, which is first and foremost a lot of untouched nature and unbelievable hospitality.

“When our planet was created, the most beautiful encounter between land and sea must have happened on the Montenegrin coast. And when the pearls of nature were shared, they were strewn plentifully in this land.” -Lord Byron

Anyone who has ever been to Montenegro knows what Lord Byron is talking about. Magnificent, sub-Mediterranean mountain landscapes and dense forests, rivers and lake landscapes; Mediterranean coastal scenes and lovely, untouched mountain valleys, plus a lot of historical walls and a rich cultural life. Montenegro offers an incredible geographical diversity in a small area. A variety like no other on the European continent.

What could be better than exploring this gem on horseback?

Ein Abenteuer für alle, die eines der letzen Fleckchen unberührter Natur in Europa erleben wollen.

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