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MTB -Tour durch das Kleinwalsertal

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Family Moments

Travel with loved ones and no one misses out

Vacation is the most valuable time of the year and you should enjoy it to the fullest - of course with your loved ones by your side. Riding holidays, even with small children, offer a lot of fun and relaxation for the whole family.

Experience family-friendly riding safaris in Europe but also in distant countries such as South Africa. In regions with no risk of malaria and no dangerous game, but still with a pinch of adventure, the whole family will find their personal happy place in the saddle.

The children in particular develop a feeling for nature a lot quicker and often live their “adventure” more naturally than the grown ups. The unconventional life in the middle of nature will remain an unforgettable experience for your child. Look forward to discovering colorful flora and fauna and creating these memories with them.
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